Refurbished Homey?

Hello Community,
Hello Athom,

Is there a possibility to buy a „refurbished“ Homey?

I am thinking about a second device for development, but to be true, I don‘t wanna pay 299€ for a „testing device“.


@Seraphim if you want a refurbished Homey (if available), you’ll need to contact Athom directly (

Or check options for a second hand Homey

Yes, I got one, you can by it from me. It is a Homey (early2018) V2.0 8 month old.

Modbreak: email address removed.

We should form small smart device market here on the forum. If someone has unneeded fibaro/xiaomi/athom/something where better to offer it then on this forum among homey comm members.

There is now a topic for sell and buy of “Talk with Homey” devices.

Closing this topic.