Refreshing content of web widget

I’d like to see a parameter in the web widget to set the refresh interval. As it is now, it is static. I’ve seen workarounds where someone has created a local webpage to solve that, but I think that is a bit cumbersome. I use it for showing the weather forecast of the current day using the Norwegian Yr service. It’s not so interesting to look at the weather forecast from the past.



That’s a great suggestion!


Totally agree. I would like to monitor my Solar production in the web interface but the widget also just shows older values.

This has been added recently, by the way.


I have been unable to find this Automatic Refresh setting. Where is it located? Thank you.

Hi Greg.

Found it already?

No. I see no reference to an app name in the previous queries. What app contains that setting?

You can find it in the dashboard widget settings.

I finally found it in the Homey web widget. Thank you.