Read Parameters of a Device

Hi to all,

I’m a happy Homey Pro 2023 user, after switching from SmartThings.

Trying to deep dive into Homey, I come across some questions, normally I manage to browse forums but for this issue I can’t find the answer.

Is there a way to read all the current Parameters used by a Device, let’s say a Fibaro Dimmer 2? I would like to know what the Parameter is before changing it in the RAW data in Advanced Settings.

Big thanks for all help!

Hi and welcome to the Homey Community!

All available device parameters can be found in Developer Tools → Devices.
But when parameters are changed via Z-Wave Raw Configuration, these changes are not updated in Developer Tools as far as I know. Unfortunately I don’t know why. Maybe the parameters are updated after a homey restart, didn’t test it yet. But you may ask Athom:

Maybe @Caseda knows more about this?

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Thank you very much, happy to be part of the community.

Looking at the Developer Tools → Devices and finding my Fibaro Dimmer 2, it lists a lot of data under “Settings”. No easy way to find Parameter 19 “Forced switch on brightness level”. Perhaps it’s called “forced_brightness_level” in the list, but other parameters are harder to locate. This is the only way?

I remember when I had SmartThings and changing the Device Handler to Z-Wave Tweaker, I could call an action to read all the Parameters (with all the Parameter numbers listing choronologically) making it super easy to locate.

Because you asked for all parameters, I mentioned the option via developer tools. Because in DT all parameters are listed… :wink:
The easier way including the parameter no. in most of the cases is to use the Homey app on the smartphone or the WebApp. But not all parameters may be listed.

Smartphone: category Devices → long tap on the device tile → :gear: → Advanced settings

WebApp: category Devices → click on the device tile → :gear:

Don’t know the possibilities of SmartThings, sorry. Maybe it’s something similar possible via Homey Script, but I have no programming skills. However, I guess that the listing/result will be the same as in Developer Tools, i.e. without specifying the parameter number.