Push Notifications not working on iOS

Anyone else that has problem with push and Homey 2023?

Noticed it today, quite sure it worked flawless a couple of days ago. Now it’s completely dead.

Restarted Homey, phone. Everything up-to-date (firmware, Homey app, iOS etc).

I have the same. Missing notifications toggle in ios app settings.

Update: found the solution here Homey app not showing in settings -> notifications on iPhone IOS 17.4 after reinstall - #5 by Peter_van_Gent

I had the same issue today. Restarted Homey Pro 2023, PTP on Homey Pro 2023, Restartet Phone. Quit Homey App on phone, checked notification settings on phone, checked Focus mode setting on phone. Nothing worked. But then I found a solution!

I had to log out of the Homey App, Restart the app and login again. And now it works again! :white_check_mark:

This worked for me!
I want to add to check all the iPhone settings. At first this did not work on my iPhone but it did work on my iPad. Then I checked on my iPhone and remembered on advice I had set it for scheduled delivery. Set it to immediately delivery and it works.

So log out of homey, exit the app, then restart, log in. Check the notification settings.

8 posts were split to a new topic: Notifications not working on Android