Hi there
despite the announcements of “Homey Dashboards” I can’t see any new “Dashboard” menu item under “…more” in my mobile app, in addition I got several noreply@statuspage.io messages telling me, that were either “problems purchasing homey dashboard license” or that “the incident has been resolved” and the announcement thread “Homey Dashboards | The wait is almost over” thread has been closed one hour ago…
Any news on what is happening there
Do hou have the Homey mobile app version 9.0.0 and Homey firmware version 12.1.0 (or higher)? Otherwise you should update first, as Dashboards only work from those versions onwards.
If don’t have a Homey Pro 2023, you should also buy the upgrade too first.
…in fact it was the app version that did not match Everything fine now, thanks!
I just bought Dashboards through the app. I can see new item in app menu called “Dashboards”. When I click on it there is always screen showing intro to dashboards and there is always button on the bottom of the screen “Get Dashboards”. When I click in it it says that I already own this item.
I can’t get it work.
App version:
Homey FW: 12.2.0
If I’ve understood correctly, there is a problem with the authentication of the purchase on Homey 2019 and 2016. The problem has been corrected in app version 9.0.1 as of yesterday. I am on Android, and I have still not access to this update in Google Play Store. I hope it comes through soon!
Android as well here, and the update is available:
You can try this, to refresh the app store:
Force stop the Play store app:
Longpress the play store icon, and hit the little symbol;
Then, hit “Force stop” or “Force quit”:
Hit ‘Storage’ and on the next screen, hit “Clear cache”
Now the update might be available.