I have the Tap Dial with 4 buttons and a rotating thing on the outside. Homey has the flow in order to trigger it called “dial is rotating” but I’m confused on how to adjust it to increase or lower the brightness? I’ve looked through the commands and such but can’t figure it out.
Please if someone could help that’d be great! I can’t seem to find any thread explaining it. Sorry if I missed a post that already explains it.
I’m struggling with this too. The only thing I got working is to use a flow that will adjust the brightness with +5% or -5% when it’s turned. The problem with that is that it only registers the start of the turn. So you can keep rotating but nothing happens until you stop, and then rotate again. To lower 25% you have to turn 5 times.
Button 1: a turn light kitchen ON (first press)
b turn light dining table ON (second press)
c turn music Google nest Hub Kitchen ON (third press)
Button 2: Broadcast to the 2 Google Nest Hubs situated in both my kids room: Dinner is ready
Button 3: Opens or closes the Cat Flap (Sure PetCare Flap)
Button 4: Go away / Go to sleep: Turn all lights / radio / TV OFF downstairs.
Dial: a when button 1 is pressed ones: Dim kitchen lights
b when button 1 is pressed twice: Dim dining table light
c when button 1 is pressed third time: Volume of music Google Nest Hub Kitchen
The flow is only showing Button 1 in combination with the Dial: