Performance - Starting many flows at the same time?


Currently I have an advanced flow that a given time and other variables starts a flow. Example:

06.00 → start flow 1
06.00 → start flow 2

06.00 → start flow 99

06.10 → start flow 100
06.10 → start flow 101

My question/fear is that I choke Homey by running a lot of flows at the same minute. Is there a risk of this? Can I somehow see that in some performance dashboard?

Many thanks!

The amount of flows is not decisive. The complexity of flows and how many actions they are starting (especially sending data via Zigbee/Zwave/Wifi) can have an impact on CPU.
The flow processing is queued, so there can be a small delay.

In Insights ( you can open the CPU chart.

Put simply that is showing the amount of calls in the process queue. >1 means that more calls are waiting then processed. But if that are only peaks, then that’s ok.

I only noticed problems in sending several ZWave commands at the same time. That’s something I try to avoind with a 1sec delay in flows. But that could depend on my (small) ZWave mesh.

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Thank you very much, good information! :slight_smile: