New Update 11.0.0 to 2019 Homey Pro safe to update?


It is safe to update? I’m at 10.0.5 because I read that 10.0.6 had problems with Zigbee devices.

Anyone can confirm that on 11.0.0 everything is working ok?

Thx for answer


Yeah i had upgraded my pro 2019 and my Zigbee network is working fine for me


Thx for info

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I also upgraded from 10.0.5 to 11.0.0 and everything is ok. Thanks once again


My Zigbee died on early 2016 and cant revert back, it will auto update

Turn off the f@&"×# auto update!
You’ll be notified when there’s an update available, for you to decide what to do.
Here you can view the fw changelog:

Zigbee fix:
First replace the power unit with a decent one (samsung, apple), replace the USB cable as well.
Then, start Homey in recovery mode and perform the so called “full software download”

The full software download just re-installs the firmware from scratch, untouching your work.
As always, do keep a recent backup in place just in case.

If it doesn’t fix Zigbee, Athom can flash the Zigbee chip remotely. Call support for that:

fyi I’m busy with a new cable and the 5th adapter (including Samsung), the power cycles take their time…
I think the next step will be the “full software download”

I created a support ticket, full software download didn’t revive Zigbee either

*Edit 2
Just like that the light in the hallway turned off and it responded going on again by the motion detector.
There’s a ghost in our Homey, told our daughter an hour ago that I consider it “defective”