I’ve installed the following apps that won’t show up when creating flows:
Circadian lighting
Google Chromecast
Homekit controller
Tesla Smart Charger
I just tried downloading the Spotifiy app just for a test to see if it would show up.
It does, but only with 3 “then” functions. The app page shows many more.
I tried restarting my Homey Pro, restarting all the apps, and made sure that they’re all enabled.
After installing the app you also tried to add a device with the + on the device tab?
It is on the top right. On the pc and on the Homey tablet or phone app.
I seem to have the same issue. I just downloaded the EVE app and I added the power plug of Eve to Homey. So adding a device worked.
When going into flow there are although no flow cards visible. I can’t add any EVE cards. Not in IF not in AND and also not THEN. It just isn’t there. It doesn’t work in simple flows and advanced flows.
What did work is when I go on the device and then select create a flow. There it does give me the cards available.
I checked if there are any settings on the app that I would need to complete, but there aren’t any.
Did anyone come a cross this situation?
this picture is showing when I select to create flow through the device
If it’s a Matter device, you’ll have to pick the devices’ flow cards from it’s zone.
It won’t be available in the ‘apps’ section.
Few apps provide for AND cards, because the logic cards are supposed to be used as AND cards.
I agree this is not explained well.
Most of us use the Apps > device way to get to it’s flowcards, while the Zone > device way is the way each and every devices’ flow cards can be found. Downside, it can involve more clicks to get there, especially when you have many nested zones.
Also the search field at the top seems to be missed / not clear.
It’s pretty easy to just enter (a part of) a devices’ name to have it’s available flowcards shown: