Myenergi (Zappi EV charger)

The app is ok, but I suspect you need a Harvi to see what you want. Double check on the myenergie website but I think it’s something you can buy and install yourself. I have a Harvi and a solaredge device and they say pretty much the same thing. The installer for Eddi installed Harvi, I didn’t know what they all were at that point but Harvi shows up in Homey and I can then use that data in flows

Can you show me some screen grabs of the insights for this harvi? And what specific variables are made available?

Charging my car. That’s within the myenergie phone app.

And that’s from the myenergie Homey app Harvi screen

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does somebody know what is the difference beetween the the flow actions “Select charge mode” and “Seet charge mode to”? The one has a drown down the other not as you can see in the screenshots. Both seem to work, but I am wondering if there is a difference I should be aware of when using them in my flows.


No difference.

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Thank you. Good to know.