Multiple onoff capabilities

Hi, I am trying to write a driver for a device with multple onoff capabilities (on endpoints 1 and 2).

I 1st tried to register the capabilities as:

"capabilities": [

and then in the device.js:

    this.registerCapability('onoff.pump', CLUSTER.ON_OFF, {
      endpoint: 1,

    this.registerCapability('onoff.valve', CLUSTER.ON_OFF, {
      endpoint: 2,

This produces the following GUI:

Few issues here:

  1. Is there a way to control the labels in the dropdown - i could not find anything in the documentation. The user would not know which onoff capability they are working on.
  2. Toggling the onoff capabilities does not change the settings on the device. If I change the capabilities to a single onoff then it does correctly act on the 1st endpoint.
  3. Toggling the onoff settings on the device itself does not report back to the homey app.

I then tried to change to implement my own custom capabilities:

"capabilities": [

with the capability json as (only showing water_pump as the dump_valve is similar):

  "type": "boolean",
  "title": {
    "en": "Water Pump"
  "units": {
    "en": "Status"
  "desc": {
    "en": "Water Pump Power"
  "getable": true,
  "setable": true,
  "uiQuickAction": false

I then update my device.js to do this:

   this.registerCapability('water_pump', CLUSTER.ON_OFF, {
      endpoint: 1,
      set: (value) => (value ? 'setOn' : 'setOff'),
      setParser: () => ({}),
      get: 'onOff',
      report: 'onOff',
      reportParser: (value) => {
        return value;

    this.registerCapability('dump_valve', CLUSTER.ON_OFF, {
      endpoint: 2,
      set: (value) => (value ? 'setOn' : 'setOff'),
      setParser: () => ({}),
      get: 'onOff',
      report: 'onOff',
      reportParser: (value) => {
        return value;

I now see a better rendering of the GUI:

I am correctly receiving updates for both endpoints from the device, and I can now control the pump switch, but when trying to control the valve I get a timeout. I assume I am missing some config to control which endpoint the onoff command is sent to.

Any help would be appreciated.

The error I get in the console:

2024-03-23T06:07:15.018Z [err] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:watertank-controller] [Device:d4233228-4e30-4a2d-9604-277478d9d6cc] Error: could not perform setOff on cluster: onOff, endpoint: 2 for capability dump_valve Error: Could not reach device. Is it powered on?