More Sun based conditions

Would be cool to have a condition like “xx minutes after sunrise”, for instance when controlling exterior lights. Would like my lights to stay on 30minutes after the sunrise time so that it’s actually light outside before the exterior lights turn off.

Maybe by using this App! :grinning:

Sweet, will check it out. Thanks! :grin:

I assume you mean sunrise in your example, so:
if sunrise then switch off exterior lights with a delay of 30 minutes
No need to install an extra app…

Yeah i did a little typo there lol.

But yeah didn’t know it was switch it over to minutes from seconds ( on my first days with Homey atm.), but the Sun Events app @Osorkon hinted me on to had a bunch of other stuff on that i’m going to end up using in other flows as well. It’s a huge difference in the how long the sun use to rise / sett here in Norway depending on the seasons so the Dusk / Dawn is super handy for me =)