Mirror a lights state

Hello, in HA I had an option to “mirror” a light state IE: one bulb mirrors the behavior of another or a dimmer in my case.
I use this in 2 scenarios / just a simple on off I can write a flow but what about on off and dimming (no color needed) is there an app or flow for that?


You could put the dimming level into al variable and then use that value for another light.

I think I understand let me try that

Ok I tried to build that, I guess I don’t haha

Almost works but acts strange…

Well here is a edit, my zwave light dimmers that work with HA hubitat smart things etc doesn’t with homey :frowning:
Thanks for the idea it works but all my light switches don’t AND I bought new ones (wifi Kasa)but Homey can’t add those either lol I have a post in devices for that as well

This app may be helpful for your requirements:


Thanks! That’s perfect! I searched for days for “state” “mirror” and this is what I was looking for!

“Dim level” and “Level” are 2 different variables!

@JPe4619 thanks! The App suggested by DirkG “light Triggers” did the trick!

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Sharing the thread aswell as it contains some examples :wink: [APP][Pro] Light Triggers

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