Migrating from Hubitat

I’m new to Homey Pro and looking for MODE switch similar to the one in Hubitat.

In Hubitat, MODE is configurable by time for example, 23:59 to 07:00 = Sleep, 07:00 to 09:00 - Morning,

Is there a similar concept in Homey?

Thanks in advance

Hi David,

Thanks Peter, but that does not seem to be equivalent.

MODE in Hubitat allows me to define a unique set of actions to a trigger depending on the MODE that is set. For example while sleeping I might choose to limit the brightness of lights or disable sound from speakers all together.

I assume I can limit actions in HOMEY using a time window but it seems that the simple way as in HUBITAT was quick and flexible.

Thanks anyway and its all part of the choices we make when we buy these products.

I use the “Mode” device in Virtual Device App. Then you can set your mode via a flow, e.g. “Evening” start at sunset and ends at a special time.

Perfect… That seems to be exactly what I’m looking for.
