There are many ways to Rome, but this works best for me:
I’ve checked the simple and papertrail logging apps, but in the end do the logging without apps.
In the flows I wish to log, I add a Logic text card with a text variable (eg. PushMessageAlways or PushMessageSelected) containing the name of the flow and the value of the variables I am interested in.
Several logging/notification flows are triggered every time the text variable changes (*1) and in each flow I decide what to do with the message (I use Virtual Devices buttons to enable or disable a flow).
- A flow for Timeline in case the virtual button for Timeline is turned on (Timeline has a limitation for quantity of notifications it can handle)
- A flow for Telegram in case the virtual button for Telegram is turned on (Telegram logs endlessly, can be used on multiple phones, desktop and has a great search capability)
- A flow for Push Notification in case the virtual button for notifications is turned on
Same for PushMessageSelected. You can make it as sophisticated as you want for single or multiple users or filter on a keyword in the message.
(Tip: if some flows execute at exactly the same time, the solution is to add a 1 sec delay to one of the text cards.)
*1 There is a small limitation: in the case the Logic text variable does not change when a flow is called very fast multiple times. Adding a time variable (with seconds) when setting the Logic text card can solve this, but I decided I do not want too many notifications .
