Limited Google Assistant integration access to Homey


When syncing Homey with Google Assistant, by default ALL Homey devices are imported into Google Home.
But we may NOT want to control all of them through Google Assistant as it may trigger unwanted devices activation / deactivation.
Today, it is not possible to remove only one/few devices belonging to Homey from Google Home.
I would suggest that, in the future, under Settings–>Integration–>Google Assistant, we could select / deselect which devices to sync to Google Assistant. New devices shall be selected by default.


It is, with a little D-tour, and can be time-consuming when it’s dozens of devices:

  1. Create a new Ggl home, call it Do Not Use (or whatever)
  2. Move the devices from your main Ggl Home to the 2nd Ggl Home
  3. Done

this feature should be coming soon (initially it was expected by the end of last year). I think it was discussed in the penultimate podcast with some images of what the feature will be like.


I see. I don’t watch/listen to podcasts often (I’m an old-skool text reader :sweat_smile: )

Unfortunately it is a known issue by Google Assistant, that it sends commands across all homes.
This means that saying “turn off all lights” will turn off the lights not only in the default home but also all the others in my Google account, including the homes where I have been invited.
It is quite frustrating, there are a few discussions on this point in several forums.

For the moment I use a workaround, by using two Google accounts, one “main” with all homes, and one that is invited to one home only.
From the main google account, I move the unused devices in home “Unused” and the others in “MyHome”. Then I created another google account to be set on the Google Assistant device and invite it to “MyHome” only.
Although I would expect a more straightforward way.

I would like to add that, with that workaround I manage to have only the devices that I need BUT I lost some functionalities: since the account in the Google Assistant device is not the one paired with Homey, I am not able to directly set moods or start flows by asking Google Assistant.