Lights before sunrise

Would fire the “bug” guy!

It was done on purpose by Athom to c if you still sharp :grin:

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Haha. It worked, we are! But they should have known that by now, don’t u think?

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5:56PM = after sunset here (GMT+1)

It doesn’t seem a time zone thing.
The “it is night” condition is correctly marked as true though
(while “it is after sunset” is marked wrongly (as false) as reported before).

I was never happy with the systems settings of sunset/rise. As for sunset it still could be bright enough so you do not need lights. So I created a virtual button which is turned on(=night)/off(=day) depending on the brightness outside (measured by hue outdoor sensor). I do use the button in different flows, each time when brightness is relevant.

Perhabs also an idea for your issue.

It’s confusing sometimes, but this is a Homey Cloud issue. Virtual switches aren’t available.

Oh I see. That´s a pity. I like the virtual ones.

Luckily I am using Homey Pro so I can benefit of the virtual devices app :smiley:. I did not get that the original question was linked to a cloud issue until Peter told me.

Sometimes the tags tell us something. But the TS has to pick them and has to be aware about the possibility :grimacing:

if you are able to read you have a clear advantage :joy:

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But for a couple of text you don’t have,
This user got an tag automatically by typing “homey bridge” in the body.

I don’t expect that from day one users, so also the Community is something about Automation.
That also can result in a Tag where someone mentions an for that case un-important fact.

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Thanks, didn’t know / noticed, Geurt :grimacing: