LG acquires Athom

Is there a way to “easily” transfer ALL of many MANY advanced flows to a HA environment? Anybody did a switch over?

Homey and HA work in a completely different way, any transfers will have to be done manually.


LG acquires Athom … reminds me the HP acquisition Compaq and 3COM which brand and products gradually phased out after the merger.

Happy for the founders, but sad for the user base (especially the MVP’s who build & maintain the apps).

Founders will be bound to the company for 2-3 years, which is part of the contract. As soon as they are free to go, they will leave. And if they feel like it, they will start a new company again.

I will slowly move over to HA as well, although I really appreciate the easy of use of the Homey Pro.

kun je homey ombouwen naar home assistant?
ik vind dit soort nieuws (meestal) erg slecht nieuws, aangezien die grote bedrijven schijt hebben aan afspraken en er zelf mee gaan klote wat resulteert in einde product.
wel proficiat aan de aandeelhouders, die kunnen heerlijk even op vakantie :wink:

jammer hopelijk gaat LG dit niet verkloten.

Very disappointed that they sell out and cash the big bucks, leaving the users with a platform which is bound to decline.
I was proud of this company in my hometown, but not anymore unfortunately.

Time will tell, but I see history repeating…

I choose to (maybe naively) see this as a potential good move. If the platform is good somebody would eventually buy them. That’s how it works and confirms being a great ecosystem.

There are examples of this kind of buys where they let the company continue to run indepently. Canon buying Swedish camera/IoT company Axis almost 10 years ago is one. Sure, there are many bad examples but remember the glass is half-full and not half-empty.


:disappointed: Still looking for a good replacement for my Loqed. Now this.

What (who) is next?


wow 61million and 0 for the community developers who helped Athom to make Homey a great platform! :wink:


If you consider that SmartThings was bought for $200 million in 2014, this seems like a steal. :smile: But who knows how the financials of Athom actually look like.

I still think that most people in here are overreacting a bit at the moment. I’m sure things won’t stay the same forever and probably there won’t be another product in the spirit of the Homey Pro again in the future. But at least for the next 2-4 years if anything I feel more confident in the ecosystem since I don’t have to wonder if the company will just go under because of financial problems as so many other smart home companies.

In the long term I can definitely see how LG could ruin things one way or another. But who knows what the world of smarthome will look then anyways? I really would wish that other platforms (maybe even because of the acquisition) take note of some of the things that make Homey so great and copy them. But until LG/Athom start to fuck up or a competitor does better I will stick with my current setup.


Wish I had that amount in BTC to buy Athom and make it opensource :)))) Hardware is cheap anyway


If the financials arent sound the don’t expect investment.

Expect the OS to be ported and then the company to be split up.

As a completely new customer to Homey, I hope and long for the exact opposite.

I wonder what this will do to the Tuya integration and Dashboards.

I just bought a Samsung TV and now quite worried about future support with Homey as LG is a direct competitor.

Once you open the can of worms, impossible to go back.

Don’t you worry, dashboards are still very much coming and Tuya is currently in bèta testing :wink:


Was about to upgrade from Pro (Early 2019) to Pro.
New project is coming, HA it is…

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Prepare yourself for ThinQ… money is money.
They sold themselves just like that…

We’re not with a win-win situation like Proton acquiring SimpleLogin, here’s just looking for money. Nothing else. Why? Because of the 80%… this is so sad. When something works, it’s sold.


This is bad news…
Not for the founders, who got paid so much money that do not need to work another day as of now. I do feel sorry for the Homey community and the Homey employees (once knowledge has been acquired… change will come)

I wonder what will happen to the Official (created by) Homey Apps currently available that support competitor brand devices.

The fact that Homey has become Homey as it is/was today is also because of all the developers (not getting paid) making all of these apps (fair to say most of the) in their free time. You basically helped the founders to make Homey ready for sale, though you are not the ones collecting the marbles :slight_smile: Edit: I forgot to mention also the large sum of people that invested in the kick start of the Athom project at the time, sorry…

I am afraid that developers for their own reasons will pull their apps from the store and choose to go to another more open source solution, leaving the Homey device with a handful of apps.

I hope I am wrong as Homey has been a system I have been using for years.
I also do use Home Assistant and hope I do not have to port everything over soon.


A deal with the devil has always two sides. Yes you will have money but your product will go to shit.

Every major takeover promised a lot, but they all fucked up. Apperantly the founders of Homey cared more for money than for their product.
I guess it’s about time to dive back in the the very time consuming home assistant…


As a Dutchie with a MBA, I fell a bit in doubt how to respond. I congratulate the founders with the take over. And the loss.

I would like to share the response of Plugwise:


But, being realistic, realise also they would probably fall for the bucks (or any other Currency)

Yes, I use Plugwise

I’ll sit back and see how this plays out. My Homey generally works well and if the system starts to crumble a switch to HA will likely not be a big issue.
That said, I would have felt more comfortable if the software was open source. As a parallel, ages ago Logitech acquired the Squeezebox line of networked music players from Slim Devices. For whatever reason the products didn’t do as well in the market as they had hoped and after a few years they pulled the line from the market. But since most of the software was open source the ecosystem kept evolving, now as a community driven project. Commercial offerings have kept popping up and disappearing over the years, but the community endured and it’s now more diverse than ever and runs on a wide range of platforms.