LG acquires Athom

I think I still fail to see how this is any different from any other open source project which gets used by a commercial entity. Almost every piece of commercial software in the world is built on the back of the work of some community developers. I’m going out on a limb that most likely none of the developers here who also do this in their professional life have ever payed a cent to the OpenJS Foundation for using nodejs or the Linux Foundation for using, well, Linux.

We’re not talking about something as generic as an OS or a programming language, but about apps that are specifically made to run on a particular platform. Also, I wonder how many Homey app have explicit open source licenses, and a fair amount of apps aren’t even available as source code at all.

I think a lot of app developers felt that they were working with Athom to build a product, and Athom has sold out based, at least in part, on the work that the app developers did.


As a developer of several apps, I want to share my thoughts.
First of all, for now, I’m not removing my apps from the Store since Athom hasn’t done anything “harmful” to us besides selling a significant part of the company. However, if LG makes changes to Homey/Athom that negatively affect users or developers, I’ll reconsider and might remove my apps from the store. Nevertheless, I’ll keep them open source.

It’s also important to remember that the GDPR will protect EU users. Additionally, I’m excited for the future because this acquisition can bring positive changes to Homey, not just negative ones. I think it’s too early to judge.

Finally, we should remember that the Homey Pro 2023 is jailbreakable, and the entire HomeyOS code is accessible to those who understand it.


I think a lot of app developers felt that they were working with Athom to build a product, and Athom has sold out based, at least in part, on the work that the app developers did.

Whoever went into this with that kind of expectation is in my opinion an idiot. Homey was never a open source project, every change to Homey itself or the SDK in the end is at the discretion of Athom. You are also not building a product with Apple if you submit a free app to their store…

On my part as a developer I’m thankful to have been give the tools to solve problems I encounter, because so many other platforms don’t give you this. If I release an app the only reason I release it because I believe it will help somebody else with the same problem. And if I don’t feel like going through the hassle of this or I don’t want anybody from profiting from my work I simply won’t share it.


No, but at least you have the option to make money from your app. Athom has never provided (or even allowed) that option.

That would be a very nice gesture, but I don’t think the world works that way.
I’m not an app developer, but I can imagine some agreement is signed when an app gets added to the app store.
And it probably doesn’t say: “when we get rich, you’ll get a share”

And what would be the conditions?
Pay for the hours invested?
Pay for the number of users?
Pay for the functionality?

I can’t remember ever having signed anything. Legally speaking, if nothing is signed, the Athom store is a copyright pitfall because Athom is distributing third-party apps/code without explicit consent.

It used to be that Athom required apps to be open source (which means explicit licensing), but that stopped somewhere around firmware v2.

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Of course it would be a nice gesture of Athom if they paid app developers a fee now that the have cashed the big bucks.

But let’s not forget that we, as users, were always able (at least for many developers) to support them with a donation.
I hope all users of these apps have done so.
I tried to do my part…

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The apps the community have written will likely be subject to this as well.

Long storty short : No data are being sold, it’s nonsense (at least for now)

For long story : LG acquires Athom

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Athom hasn’t cashed, its share holders have.

Legally speaking anyway probably 2/3rd of all apps in the store are in a grey zone because they use trademarked names and logos. Getting payed for that probably would result in cease and desist letters for many developers.

Getting paid for something is almost never a requirement for a copyright violation to be submitted, and besides, I would think Athom would be the first party where the lawyers would come knocking (and perhaps now, with LG being owner, they will).

But you’re right, strictly speaking Athom and/or the app developer might be in violation. But I already pointed out a few posts back that the app store is a big copyright disaster anyway.

If somebody else is making money of your trademark and you not taking action against that can be a reason to have your trademark revoked, this is why companies usually are very invested in this.

It’s not “making money off your trademark”, it’s “using your trademark”.

And even “making money” was an actual requirement: Athom has been making money off those trademarks for years.

Well, I am an enthousiastic user of Homey, but sooner or later it will happen to any system. That more user data is collected than required to deliver the service. One cannot stop that.

No idea how mucg it costs to develop the software, as there arwe quite a few systems in the market… so I guess it is difficult but not hard :slight_smile: And it is ok not to debelop own apps …maybe (I see it differently) but you must pay your supporters who keep the sytem running and attract new customers.

Fair would be by downloads… but as users we don´t know if Athom wants to share with the ones who made them rich :wink: even if it is one EURO per download only…

Ui ui ui…that could create problems…

Then why are you posting here?

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