Internationalization / Locales


In your App, Drivers or Devices you can call this.homey.__() with the identifier of the translated string to get the translation. In the following example we define a translation with the ID title and use the translation in app.js

Does anyone know how to use this in the (for instance) .homeycompose/flow and/or .homeycompose/capabilities JSON files?

The SDK documentation isn’t very clear about that, and I can’t imagine they didn’t implement it for those files also. But I can’t find anything on it…

Thanks in advance!

In JSON you have to use translation objects like:

“title”: {
“en”: “Duration”,
“de”: “Dauer”,
“nl”: “Duur”


Yeah, that’s how I do it now, but I’d hoped there was a better/smarter solution for those kind of files too. Thank though.