[FeatureRequest] Increase the homey bridge without homey premium device limit from 5 to 10

I appeal to increase the Homey Bridge without homey premium device limit from 5 to 10.

Welcome on the forum, but…don’t you think that 5 device limit is set there for a reason? :roll_eyes:

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And when that happens the next one wants it to 15 and the next to 20 and so on.

Just spend those €3 to unlock the 5 devices limit I’d say. And afaik it’s possible to cancel the subscription every month.

I don’t think Athom aims at folks to use their app for free when they don’t want to / need to control more than 10 devices?

I appeal that Athom lowers the price of the new Homey Pro to €0,-
€0,- for the network extension dongle
Give free backup subscriptions
And last but not least never ending guarantee and support for all sold Homeys

I think that’s a healthy business plan.