IKEA Trådfri Water Leakage Sensor Badring!

This sensor can be very easily disassembled (couple of plastic clips).
Inside there are contact pads next to spring contacts that can be used to solder wires to.
Also the speaker can be easily unsoldered (if you only need zigbee notifications without the sound alarm).

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Anyone know how you can add IKEA Badring to Homey Pro (2023) when using the IKEA Dirigera hub and the IKEA Home smart app?

AFAIK that’s not possible, you need to connect the sensor to Homey directly.

Thanks for your answer @robertklep, can you share how to do that (if you know)?

Use the IKEA app: https://homey.app/a/com.ikea.tradfri/

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Thanks @robertklep I got Badring to integrate with Homey Pro that way, but unfortunately it was then removed from IKEA’s own Home Smart app. I kind of liked to have it in both apps for safety reasons, but maybe I just have to live with that. Strange that Badring is not automatically connected with Homey Pro via their own IKEA Home Smart app, just like the lights and switches etc?

You can only pair a Zigbee device with one controller, so either the Dirigera or Homey, but not both.

I’m fairly sure that the Dirigera doesn’t pass sensor data, which is why the Dirigera app only supports a limited number of devices.

Hi, I recently got three of these devices, they seem to work well. I have installed them about 3 days ago but still don’t see any battery info anywhere in my Homey Pro 2023. Any tips how I could get battery info? Thanks

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Same here, would like to monitor the battery level of the Badring sensor as well. I guess the Trädfri app need to be updated…

I have not been able to get battery status for any of IKEAs units.

In my case, the Ikea Parasoll door/window sensor do show battery level in percentage in homey. Somrig buttons too.

Not at all… You can also just scratch up the external contacts a bit and solder directly to them. I have done so on two different units to connect a condensation AC pump alarm to them. Works a charm.

Good to know! :+1: I haven’t tinkered with the sensors at all since I got them…other things have had higher priority…but I’ll get to it some day. :slightly_smiling_face:

Just FYI. I also had issues with battery status from Ikea devices in the past. Last month I switched all my Ikea devices from Homey to a Dirigera hub. So I could update the firmware on the Ikea devices and to bridge the distance between the Homey and the Ikea Zigbee devices. The Homey now talks to the Ikea devices through the Dirigera hub using Matter. All Ikea devices with a battery now show their battery status on Homey.
Disclaimer: I do not have a Badring device. So not sure if that will show battery status as well. Probably will pick one up in the near future.

Edit: Just learned that Badring is not supported over Matter yet. But as Matter 1.3 now supports Water Leak sensors it should be added in the future.