How to use a tag in a presence flow.
For this there is no other apps needed.
First we start with the trigger in the WHEN part.
For this case i used the build-in presence and the first card will be “Someone came home”.
The AND part
For the and part we pick a build-in logic card and choose “Is exactly”.
When clicking that card a sub menu opens to the right.
There we hit the question mark on the top right.
Then it opens the tags menu.Here we choose the “Name” tag on the top, Just under the 'In this flow" part.
In the txt box we type the name of the user that is coming home, in this case that will be Bas.
This was a nice and simple explanation of using tags so far in a presence flow. If it’s still hard to follow, i also made a little video of it.
The WHEN part
Here u can do whatever u like and in this case i send a push notification to a mobile.
So add a card, choose “Mobile” and then “Send a push notification” .
In the box “Pick a user” u click and choose the name of the user u want to send the push message to.
In the below field u type ur message and here we can use the tags again by clicking the little grey tag.
So we choose the “Name” tag again from the top. After that we type “is home”.
The card should look like this now:
The total flow should now look like this:
Hope i did a better explanation this time. If u have any more questions plz feel free to ask them. Any off-topic remarks like “build-in presence is not working for me” will be deleted without further notice.