How to structure your flows

Yes it is a lot of flows. But homey is not bothered by a lot of flows. And the flows are simple, no complex AND / OR.


  • You can easily change your dayly routines. Just change the time trigger in this one flow and all the rest is unchanged.

  • Its easier to group flows in folders named after the zones in the flow section. Makes it easy to find flows

  • it makes adding a flow easier: When I create a new flow that should start when I go to bed. I only need to create that flow. No need to also update the trigger flow that starts at bedtime with a “start a flow card”

  • it makes you more flexible: bedtime can be different per day. So I will have multiple trigger flows for time (tag: @). When I use “start a flow”, in case of creating a new flow I would need to add that flow to every trigger flow defining bedtime.

  • Easily trigger multiple action flows with one trigger. Without the flows becoming complex. The living, kitchen and hall are nicely separated.

  • Because flows are split, you can use the AND column in both flows. This gives more options and makes it better readable, less complex. As you see in the flows, every room has its own lux measurement in the AND, All triggered by one timer flow.

If I want the coffeemachine to heat up, I just create an extra flow with the same virtaul device as a trigger

If I want the kitchen lights to turn on later… I just change the WHEN to an other virtual device that is linked to a different time trigger.