How to start a flow at a spesific time stored in variabel, with built in functions (Solution - Check every 60 minutes)

Exactly, that is the (partial) answer to the question asked by @Marius_Stensrod
The principle can work, but why would you do that? This is really inefficient.

To better solve it, let’s go back to the original question of turning on the lights at a certain time/ trigger event.

How do you (@Marius_Stensrod ) do the actual calculation of the time (in your formula)? Based on what inputs? Season? Latitude/Longitude? Luminance?

There are tons of options so better if you provide more information.

  • If it is time, then calculate timetarget - now in seconds (HomeyScript or BLL) and set a Chronograph timer.
  • if it is SunEvents or the time is in epochtime format
  • Others