How to read a variable in telegram

I would like to set an answare with the telegram app where the answare is the value of a variable.
Could someone help me to understand how to read the variable?


Please use the app topic for these questions, thanks

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Ok, I thought it was more a “generic” question on how to retrieve variables in an app.

I see, it wasn’t clear to me yet, but then you’d omit “Telegram” in the title I think.

Well, afaik it is not possible in most app configurations, like the Q & A system in Telegram, to use tags/variables as input values.
Except (for what I know of) for the Device Capabilities app, which can use / show values of Better Logic variables

No clue, but maybe @spkesDE can add BLL variables reading functionality to his Telegram app one day, if he thinks it’s a good idea as well. I’ve no idea how easy or hard it is to realize.
Albeit it’s the first time I’ve read about a request like yours :hugs: , and sometimes you don’t know what you miss until someone else mentions it :upside_down_face::wink:

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My telegram app already has BLL support

I know, Julian, but from what I understand from what Skal is looking for is something like this, I made a mock-up to illustrate:

I know it doesn’t work like that (like, hit the tag icon and select a var), but this is how it works in an advanced virtual device:

Screenshot from 2023-08-02 14-34-42

So it might be possible somehow to get a BLL var value as Telegram answer, but like I wrote already, I’ve no idea how easy or hard it is to realize.

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He wanted to use the Variable in a normal text. See here [APP][Pro] Telegram - #271 by Skal

Thanks, Julian.
Oh my, then I completely misunderstood his question :face_with_peeking_eye: , because using vars in a normal text field is standard available, not app specific.