How to control waterbased floor heating?

Hi community - since I now have lightning, electricity, doorlocks, audio and video controlled on my Homey - next step is heating. And we have waterbased floorheating, centrally controlled by a Wavin controller with telestats on at shunt. Every room is then controlled by room-sensors with controls so that everyone can set the temperature.
But - now I would like to have this changed to something that can be administered by Homey. I have heard of the Roth Touchline being able to do this? But there is no app for Roth on Homey?
Anyone have any alternatives or help?

Plugwise virker fint:

Plugwise works great.

Hi Emil - cool - a Danish voice in the forum;) Plugwise looks really exciting👍 Is there a Danish dealer - or do you just deal directly with the Dutch manufacturer?

Kan kun finde plugwise produkterne på deres hjemmeside eller hos

Ja, der faktisk en del danskere herinde :slightly_smiling_face:

plugwise cant be found in Denmark.

Please keep the conversation in English. Not translated posts will be deleted soon.

Sorry - shure, I will do that shortly👍

Cool, I will try that - thanks👍

Hello, picking up this topic,
I have checked Plugwise, but it does not seem to handle waterbased floor heating, rather traditional water based radiators. Waterbased floor heating require a different management as there if very heavy inertia in the system.
I have a Mitsubishi heat pump which feeds 10 individual circuits (one per room). Today i can only set the temperature at house level, which is not great (I want cooler in bedrooms for instance).
I’m looking for a solution to control temperture in each room with Homey.
Schneider Lelectric offers solutions for that ($/WHM-WiserUnderfloorHeatingConnectionStripCPT_0000733424)
However if Schenider is supported by homey i do not see the device (which I believe is actually built by Drayton)
Any idea of an laternative solution?

Did you find any solution to control valves for circuits in water floor heating system?
Thanks for feedback.