[HomeyScript] Timeline Wrangler

Some flow ideas if you like.

Auto remove certain ‘Low Battery’ notifications by Homey, most of the time annoying and useless when a device uses rechargable batteries, like robo mowers, and robo vacs

  • This flow is triggered by new timeline notifications,
  • If it matches the phrase you enter as argument to this Homeyscript card,
    Screenshot from 2023-10-27 03-18-53
    (find the used script below)
    • in this example: **My_Mower** is low on battery (an exact part of the original message in the Timeline notification),
  • Then, it removes the timeline notification right away

  • Detail of how to enter the search phrase argument
    Screenshot from 2023-10-27 02-46-52

The slightly adjusted script:

    • the argument is used with line
      const containsText = args[0]; // Only deletes notifications that contains the specified text
    • The script returns the used argument along with the ‘flows removed’ message
    • Note: the categories list is my own, but it is not used here
show me the script
// DEL timeline msgs ALL matching | Argument = searchphrase - Timeline_Wrangler v1.3p

// ==================== User Settings ====================
const deleteNotifications = true; // If "true": actually removes notifications, if "false": display only
const daysOld = 0; // Amount of days that need to have past before a notification is deemed old
const hoursOld = 0; // Amount of hours that need to have past before a notification is deemed old
const maximumNotifications = 250; // The maximum amount of notifications that stay, anything more will get deleted
const containsText = args[0]; // Only deletes notifications that contains the specified text, Empty ( '' ) = not used
const showCategories = false; // If "true" it will show all timeline categories you have and had in the past
const useCategory = false; // If "true" it will only remove from the specified categories below

// Separate categories by comma ( , )
const categories = [

// ==================== Don't change anything below here ====================
const removedNotifications = [];
const notificationCategories = [];
let amountNotifications = 0;
let amountKept = 0;

if (showCategories) {
  await Homey.notifications.getOwners()
    .then(owners => {
      log(Object.keys(owners).length, 'Timeline Categorie(s):');
      Object.keys(owners).forEach(key => {
        if (owners[key].uriObj.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
          log('-', owners[key].uriObj.name, (owners[key].uriObj.name.length <= 5) ? '\t\t\t|' : (owners[key].uriObj.name.length <= 12) ? '\t\t|' : '\t|', '\'' + key + '\'');
        else {
          log('- Unkown Name', '\t\t|', '\'' + key + '\'');
    .catch(err => {
      return 'Getting categories failed';

await Homey.notifications.getNotifications()
  .then(notifications => {
    amountNotifications = Object.keys(notifications).length;
    log(amountNotifications, 'Timeline Notification(s):');

    Object.keys(notifications).forEach(key => {
      const currentDate = new Date();
      const dateCreated = new Date(notifications[key].dateCreated);
      const timeDifference = (currentDate - dateCreated) / 1000;
      const daysDifference = Math.floor(timeDifference / 86400);
      const hours = Math.floor((timeDifference % 86400) / 3600);
      const hoursDifference = Math.floor(timeDifference / 3600);
      const minutes = Math.floor((timeDifference % 3600) / 60);

      if (
        ((containsText.length > 0 && notifications[key].excerpt.toLowerCase().includes(containsText.toLowerCase()))
        && (daysDifference >= daysOld && hoursDifference >= hoursOld))
        || maximumNotifications < amountKept
      ) {
        log('- Removing:', notifications[key].id, '  |', notifications[key].ownerUri, '|', notifications[key].excerpt, '(' + notifications[key].dateCreated + ' - ' + daysDifference + ' day(s), ' + hours + ' hour(s) and ' + minutes + ' minute(s) old)');

        if (deleteNotifications) {
          Homey.notifications.deleteNotification({id: notifications[key].id});
      else if (
        ((containsText.length === 0 && useCategory)
        && (categories.includes(notifications[key].ownerUri))
        && (daysDifference >= daysOld && hoursDifference >= hoursOld))
        || maximumNotifications < amountKept
      ) {
        log('- Removing:', notifications[key].id, '  |', notifications[key].ownerUri, '|', notifications[key].excerpt, '(' + notifications[key].dateCreated + ' - ' + daysDifference + ' day(s), ' + hours + ' hour(s) and ' + minutes + ' minute(s) old)');

        if (deleteNotifications) {
          Homey.notifications.deleteNotification({id: notifications[key].id});
      else if (
        ((containsText.length === 0 && !useCategory)
        && (daysDifference >= daysOld && hoursDifference >= hoursOld))
        || maximumNotifications < amountKept
      ) {
        log('- Removing:', notifications[key].id, '  |', notifications[key].ownerUri, '|', notifications[key].excerpt, '(' + notifications[key].dateCreated + ' - ' + daysDifference + ' day(s), ' + hours + ' hour(s) and ' + minutes + ' minute(s) old)');

        if (deleteNotifications) {
          Homey.notifications.deleteNotification({id: notifications[key].id});
      else {
        log('- Keeping: ', notifications[key].id, '  |', notifications[key].ownerUri, '|', notifications[key].excerpt, '(' + notifications[key].dateCreated + ' - ' + daysDifference + ' day(s), ' + hours + ' hour(s) and ' + minutes + ' minute(s) old)');
  .catch(err => {
    return 'Script failed';

if (removedNotifications.length > 0) {
  return 'Removed ' + removedNotifications.length + ' out of ' + amountNotifications + ' notification(s).\nUsed Argument: ' + args[0];

return 'No notifications were (actually) removed. \nUsed Argument: ' + args[0];