Homey.ink on a tablet/desktop

Can’t tell you how often it will be updated, there are quite some changes now being tested, if test results are Ok, this version will go live on homeydash.com


Ok, then I’ll use your version to test new things. Thanks!

To add the dim capability, copy the following code into the homey.ink.app.js file.

Under the “favoriteDevices.forEach(function(device){” section:

      if ( device.capabilitiesObj.dim ) {        
        device.makeCapabilityInstance('dim', function(value){
          var $device = document.getElementById('device-' + device.id);
          if( $device ) {
            var $value = document.getElementById('value-' + device.id);               
            var integer = Math.floor(device.capabilitiesObj.dim.value * 100)
            $value.innerHTML  = "<div style=\"font-size: 80%;top: 1.5vh;line-height: 3vh;\">" + integer +" %<br />"

Under the “function renderDevices(devices) {” section:

  if ( device.capabilitiesObj.dim ) {
    var integer = Math.floor(device.capabilitiesObj.dim.value * 100)
    $value.innerHTML  = "<div style=\"font-size: 80%;top: 1.5vh;line-height: 3vh;\">" + integer +" %<br />"

@DaneedeKruyff Well I don’t know how it is possible but my energy value is not updated in real time and the other values are also not. and it doesn’t matter if I use homeydash.com or my local version

Many thanks for all the work you guys put into it.

I’ve got a question, when I got to homeydash on my ipad mini 1st gen, I got this:

Is my ipad mini to old?

homeydash.com is version 1.0.0. the newer are on Github, I have no idea how up-to-date your version is.

What is the iOS version? iOS 9 will not work.

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Add your own token after the link, and it should work fine

For Dutch, change en after Lang in the link too nl

iOS version 10 and up, iOS version 9 and lower will not work!

https://homeydash.com/theme=web&lang=en&token=Your token

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I guess that’s the problem, will check the iOS tomorrow.

Google is your best friend :wink:

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@DaneedeKruyff i realized a little problem in the background. Could you please check that?

for spanish language?


don’t work!

@Eduardo_Rodriguez RTFM :wink: https://github.com/daneedk/homeydash.com/blob/master/README.md Spanish isn’t on the list.

Hi @Eduardo_Rodriguez, you can create the Spanish language file if you want, and. send it to @DaneedeKruyff and he will add it too the project.

Homey.ink on a tablet/desktop - #271 by DaneedeKruyff

Added multi language support, add &lang=en or &lang=nl to the url.


If you want to add another language, copy any of the files here https://github.com/daneedk/homey.ink/tree/master/app/locales to start with. translate the texts and save it as [countrycode].json

When &lang= is omitted or invalid English will be used.

Hola Eduardo,

Welcome to the community, I think you’re the first person requesting a Spanish translation for homeydash.com, but to be able to use it in Spanish someone has to provide a translated language file just as Danny mentioned. I hope you can and will help your fellow countrymen by translating the English language file to Spanish.

Just open this page: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daneedk/homeydash.com/master/app/locales/en.json and copy the contents to notepad to translate the texts.
After that copy the result in a post here or send it to me in a PM and I will gladly add it to homeydash.com



Who can help me?
I get the token from homey.ink and paste it after token= then i got this error:

Token invalid. Please log-in again.


what is going wrong?

Make sure u use : http://homeydash.com/?theme=web&lang=en&token=

Is het mogelijk om ook de tijd(klokje) weer te geven? Ik heb zelf 0,0 programmeer kennis en wordt er niet wijzer van als ik naar de code kijk :sweat_smile:


Hi @DaneedeKruyff,

Here is the translate:

“favoriteflows”: “Flows favoritos”,
“favoritedevices”: “Dispositivos favoritos”,
“text” : {
“good”: "Buen@s ",
“evening”: “noches”,
“afternoon”: “tardes”,
“morning”: “días”,
“night”: “noches”,
“today”: "Hoy es ",
“the”: “el”,
“of”: “de”
“notification”: {
“title”: “Notificaciones recientes”,
“nonotification”: “No hay notificaciones”
“weather”: {
“title”: "Información del tiempo para ",
“temperature”: "La temperatura actual es ",
“degrees”: " grados, ",
“humidity”: "la humedad es ",
“pressure”: "% y la presión es “,
“mbar”: " mbar”
“sunevent”: {
“presunrise”: "El sol saldrá a las ",
“postsunrise”: "El sol salió a las ",
“presunset”: " y se pondrá a las ",
“postsunset”: " y se puso "
“battery”: {
“title”: “Información de la batería”,
“in”: " en ",
“has”: " tiene “,
“left”: “% restante”
“sensor”: {
“title”: “Información de sensores”,
“in”: " en “,
“alarm”: " está activado.”,
“noalarm”: " No hay sensores activados.”,
“fault”: “Hay un problema al cargar sus dispositivos, verifique sus dispositivos y aplicaciones en la aplicación Homey”

There are a few problems that can be applied to the Portuguese language as well:

In Spain we do not differentiate between evening and night, he only have night :slight_smile:

For english “good” is correct for all day times, but in spain and Portugal not:

Good day - Buenos días - Bom dia
Good afternoon - Buenas tardes - Boa tarde
Good night - Buenas noches - Boas noites

I translate “good” as “buen@s”, i don’t know if is posible to correct the system of text in screen.

Thanks for your support and sorry for my english.


Nothing wrong with that as far as i can see. Can be a lot worse than this, believe me… :stuck_out_tongue:

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