Homey Dashboards — Public Beta Megathread

I miss the possibility to display e.g. 1 single value, e.g. of a motion detector, the temperature, in a tile. But maybe I’m overlooking the possibility.


@Emile is it possible in the future to auto refresh camera snapshots or maybe some livestreams rtsp?


Another team is working on video streaming. When that works, we’ll make sure it works on Homey Dashboards as well.


Hi Atom,

On my phone I can start a (favorite) flow called ‘Guest wifi’. It turns my Guest wifi on for 2 days and it sends a notification to my phone with a QR code. This way my guest can just scan the QR code in order to connect to my wifi network.

I created a Flow widget on my Homey Dashboard. This works on my phone. But now the question: Can you make it happen that I get a push notification on my tablet when I activate the flow widget from there? Or even better, a (Homey) pop-up notification?




Wow, after seeing first demo of Dashboard in the podcast. I’m really hyped. Finally today could register and test it. I really love it.

I have 1 question/feedback:
When using on a iPad Pro 11” I get 3 columns per dashboard view. However I wanted to setup an old iPad (Air 2 9,7”) for on the wall :slight_smile: Then I only get 2 columns and all looks a bit upscaled.
Maybe it has something to do with viewport settings? Would be nice if iPad’s in landscape always have 3 columns.


When I made my first dashboard today I noticed a problem for me at least… I have gathered a number of grafs connected to my solar panels and battery. Here I also added a webpage for cloud radar. Unfortunately this doesn’t line up nicely with the grafs and I can’t change the size of the webpage for alignment purposes?


Good question

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Quick question about app widgets for devices.
I only read the documentation yet and did not try yet. Is it possible to choose an app device when adding a widget for the app? The Homey SDK example only shows a reference to ‘homey.app’, but not to a device.

Can you provide links or explanation on how to get those working?

The stocks and weather ones are really nice :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks Athom for the great work and no sleep for me tonight :slight_smile:



And auto refresh image?


Hi, would not a setting for it be best? An iPad mini with 8,3" and a iPad Pro with 13" is not really the same device.



If you’re talking about the refresh of camera snapshots, I confirm.
For my part, I tried to force the refresh with a flow that updates the Snap every 10 minutes, but the screen goes black:

Other than that, excellent work to the whole team!

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Hi @Emile,
question about interaction with the Dashboard…

Currently I use HA dashboards in FullyBrowser. The great benefit of FullyBrowser is the possibility to control it from Homey.
If a motion sensor is triggered in a room, I can switch on the display of a tablet showing the dashboard or show another dashboard.

Something like this would be great for HomeyDasboards, too.
If the HomeyApp would be able to react on commands (http or anything else) to toggle screen or even change a dashboard on a device, this would extend functionality of dashboards a lot.
Perhaps this is a suggestion you can discuss internally (if possible or not).


Hi Adrian, hi @Emile
it is intentional that every app should create own widgets for similar data? There are several apps for weather (current and forecast). I would love to see similar style for such widgets.

  1. Is it possinle to create a system widget for weather (already there for Homey weather), that can be used from other apps (like system pair views) adding their capabilities (temperature etc.)?

  2. @Adrian: Do you think it’s a good idea to share such a widget base (style/weather images) to reuse it for other weather apps?

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You also need the beta version of Homey mobile app. See 1st post.

Thank you.

how do you get 3 columns? I have an iPad 10.9” but only get 2 columns on screen.


It is possible to create a system widget but it would need to know which device to use. So for a weather forecast it would need to know which devices have the forecast information.

All my apps are on Github, but as I’m still working on those I haven’t pushed them yet.

oh yes please share :slight_smile: