Homey Dashboard on phone

With the lack of a web version for honey dashboards I’m trying to find out what the use case is with honey dashboards on mobile (if you don’t have a recent tablet). The dashboards are hidden in a menu, so I notice I don’t use them on my phone.

[FEATURE REQUEST] Why isn’t it possible to add them as an iOS widget on the Home Screen? That way the dashboard is always there when you need it.

Who uses dashboards on a mobile phone and can tell me what your use case is? I’m curious!

One of the reasons for me to switch back to dashboard of @skogsaas. Much more functionality and this can be placed as a shortcut on my iphone

The new Dashboard looks very nice. I am very impressed, but I wish the same Dashboard Tab on my Phone as on my Tablet. It is enough space. It will be very useful.

Would it be possible to have the dashboard switch to landscape mode on a phone to show more than 1 column?

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To much hustle to open dashboards on a phone
I find it useless unless you can open it directly from the home screen.
Like next to Home and devices.

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