Home Energy Dashboad showing Solarpanel but adds as consumption

this works

solar has to be the device class under advanced settings.
anything else will mean under normal options you get to select device type: solar panels… but that doesnt show it under the outer circle

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where do they need to change it to? Is there a special text or script they need to apply?

They should know how. Basically, need to change the device class to ‘solarpanel’ in the device .json file.

Hello Adrian,

Is it possible to make an option in the energy dashboard to put sockets as a virtual solarpanel so the view is right?

Best regards,

yes the community AVM Fritzbox app allows that. if other plugs etc are used that dont have that option it would be good if the panel allows to select what goes where. else each App provider needs to Integrate this change

You would have to ask Athom that as I have no control over it.
ATM it’s down to the app to set the correct device class.

Hello Adrian,

It works now!

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