Help with an idea to display the 4 cheapest hours to use household appliances

Need an idea on how to display the 4 cheapest hours to run the washing machine, dryer, and dishwasher. In Home Assistant (HA), I can just show a bar chart and decide based on that, but what could be a good solution for Homey Pro? I will likely use Power by the Hour to fetch the 4 cheapest hours during the day between certain times.

Ofc I could just power of the machines during the most expensive hours but its not ideal and will make my household go nuts…

Hello Fredrik,

Can you elaborate on

Display to wich device(s), with what: picture message/web page/dash?

Power by the Hour is the app to use imho.
It can do this f.i.



It also has the prices available as graph picture (in a camera capability), which you can send as image.
Pick the cam tag you’d like:

Send a push message with image results in:

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Thanks mate!

Well, the display part is more a way of displaying (visualise) the information easily.

I will give your suggestion a test!

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This one is pointed towards the lowest price of a 4h period


Push message:

So, with this price graph of today, the flow should trigger at 5 or 6 o’clock I presume.

Use the PBTH dap prices json in a homey script, put it in an array and do your thing…