H.O.O.P. (Hope) - Examples

Example Using one button for multiple purposes (waits a second before firing)

Thanks to Arie_J_Godschalk
He created this flow, I used some time to understand and add flowcards :slight_smile:
Therefore you will see flow comments that is not needed
You need to create a counter called "PushButtonPushesDebounce"

1 Push = ON/OFF
2 Push = Dim 50%
3 Push = Dim 100%

1. Hope - (Trigger)

2. Hope (Counter)
Count no. of button pushes “PushButtonPushesCount”
Start counter “PushButtonPushesDebounce” = 1

3. Hope Start (Debouncer)
Counter “PushButtonPushesDebounce” = 0
Start (Debouncer method flow)

4. Hope (Debouncer method)
IF “PushButtonPushesCount” = 1
THEN (turn light ON/OFF)

IF “PushButtonPushesCount” = 2
THEN (Set light 50%)

IF “PushButtonPushesCount” = 3
THEN (Set light 100%)