And now, you might trigger multiple speech at the same time or very fast after each oterh, it will all be played after each other without interrupting each other or speeding up or anything.
Only think i just though about, if you get a queue/line longer then 60 seconds, the start-action card will time out.
To solve this, set all Start cards to Set Wait to Finish to No:
And if you execute the left card from this image by hand? what happends than?
November 2, 2022, 7:34pm
But wait…i see now that the changes i did on linux, never was saved… i have to edit again… too much bugs in the flow editor
Your own flow was working right?
You have a TTS Trigger card in use somewhere sending the url to the actual device?
November 2, 2022, 7:46pm
I still have this flow… i need to edit the TTS cards again.
But do you have a flow somewhere containing this:
Or at least with this trigger/When card?
November 2, 2022, 7:55pm
Uhmmmm… i have no idea… should i? Maybe still a normal flow?
Done editting… but still not working
Without a trigger, it will never work.
This has nothing to do with the TEF-flow.
You now only send a text (and increase-of-volume) to the Google TTS device.
you need to do something with the URL that the TTS device is generating.
You need to send that to a speaker.
What speakers do you have?
After you start the Begin te zeggen, this card will trigger:
The Url token needs to be send to your speaker, like sonos or chromecast.
November 2, 2022, 8:00pm
Oh yes, i do have those flows but still as a normal flow.
1 Like
But when you manually execute the left card from this image, you don’t hear anything?
Restart the Google Service app please.
Because, if all flows are enabled, it should not be possible that nothing happends.
Perhaps place a notification in the normal flow with the trigger.
November 2, 2022, 8:12pm
Still nothing
I have now convert the triggers to advanced flow and disabled the normal flows.
1 Like
And the flow worked before?
The speakers did speak? Your Google Services account is set correct?
November 2, 2022, 8:21pm
Ya, thats why i wanted to share, it worked great!!
But i still have old one of course, so i can change it back… but still… this looks very nice, if it would work hahahaha
I changed it back to check… and now the old flow gives an error on the card “is niet aan het afspelen” > “Dit apparaat is tijdelijk onbereikbaar”
Rebooting the hub
Still the same error… and the flow does not work anymore… oh ooooohhhh…
Okay, execute this one by hand with just the default values for the arguments:
If it doesn’t work, right-click-> replace, then select the same And card from the list and fill it with the Text1 and Number1.
Just to be sure that it has nothing (or eeverything) to do with TFE and the export.
November 2, 2022, 8:28pm
See above,
But these cards i allready have editted new because these didnt work after TEF
Now nothing works anymore… very weird…
Still, this seems to be something else.
Not that i don’t make mistakes, i make them al the time. And TFE is probably still full of bugs.
But, if your card is not working by right clicking, there is something else going on.
i would say try the speaker in a other way?
November 2, 2022, 8:31pm
Hold on… all the speakers were disabled in the chromecast app… somehow… the old flow works again