A simple git sync implementation for all the scripts in the library would be a huge QOL improvement for me.
A nice to have would be two way push and pull + branches so that you could deploy js files to your library via a branch merge with main etc.
I’d leave it up to the developers how much of git functionality they’d like to include/make accessible on the homey side. ie, whether all or parts of the, checkout, staging, commit and push, are transparent and accessible or completely abstracted away and automated. I’d personally be happy with at least a barebones implementation.
My reasoning for requesting this is as follows:
Version control is a huge benefit when doing any kind of development and at the moment you pretty much have to do this yourself in two different places if you want it. if you develop in a local editor you have to copy your changes manually to homey. and vice versa, if you make your changes in homey portal and use the built in tester, you then have to copy those changes locally to track them in git.
I hope others might also see this as valuable, but nevertheless thanks for reading.