Here’s a way to do this (hit the v
icon on the right to view the flow)
Thank you for your answer. But it does not work.
I edit my post below with add the MQTT topic.
I have “home/esp32/BTtoMQTT/DA9A435CDCB9” not “home/esp32/BTtoMQTT/DA9A435CDCB9/rssi”
I think MQTT message is string value, the Virtual Device use string too.
Using a script is the only way, though (I don’t think there are apps that can extract properties from JSON data).
Something like this:
const message = JSON.parse(args[0]);
await tag('rssi', Number(message.rssi));
And pass the received message from the MQTT broker, as a token, to the script:
WHEN trigger when message is received on topic home/esp32/BTtoMQTT/DA9A435CDCB9
AND execute script
with argument [message]
With this scipt:
const message = JSON.parse(args[0]);
await tag('rssi', Number(message.rssi));
I get this error:
❌ Script Error
⚠️ SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at StringToNumber.js:1:22
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
“message” must be “home/esp32/BTtoMQTT/DA9A435CDCB9”?
Edit: I think i found thomething. I get an error because u is undefined (args is undefined in the script, but it will be in the flow). I wil try…
No, it must be a flow token representing the message.
This is working:
const message = JSON.parse('{"id":"D6:9A:43:5C:DC:B9","mac_type":1,"rssi":-54,"servicedata":"02008c411805b8dc7ea9"}');
return true;
✅ Script Success
↩️ Returned: true
But not in the flow.
I have tried to log something:
But nothing appear in the log. it looks like i’m not getting the messages.
i have tried too with “home/#” in topic case of the first card but not working …
That seems to be the case, yes, so you should start by fixing that
However, Home Assistant and Homey have been communicating perfectly for 2 years…
And I get message in the log in MQTT Client app
I don’t unsterstand what’s happen
This is the solution:
So this Flow works:
The “?” tag in the last card is the homeyscript’s tag. I dont know why it does not appear.
The error what i did, was add tag “Message received from topic” in the first card.
Thank you for helping!
Based on the scripts above I managed to automate my blinds, with the removal of support for my solar power I had to switch to MQTT and now I can lower and rise the blinds based on the MQTT value.
Thanks guys!