Garage lights with motion and contact sensor

Hi all,

Just bought a homey pro to try out to see if I want to switch from Hubitat. So far so good and working well. Ive only made a few advanced flows but could do with a little help for my garage light with motion and a contact sensor.

The flow below works fine, if I go out the back door into the garage the contact sensor turns the lights on, after I close the door though the light turns off after the set period even though there is motion in the garage. Once there is motion the light stays on it just seems to turn off after I’ve closed the door. Is there anyway around this?


I see at least 3 ways that this could happen:

1 you enter the garage, lights go on so the luminance will be >25 lux
2 you do not move or are out of range of you motion, so motion turns off (zone inactive)
3 you move again, zone becomes active, its after sunset ams the luminance is >25 (lights still on) so you light turn offf
Solution remove the orange connection from the lux check to the lights off

1 you enter the garage, lights go on
2 you do not move or are out of range of you motion, so motion turns off (zone inactive)
3 this triggers the countdown, so the lights WILL go off after 30sec, no matter what you do

The other case:
1 You close the door
2 you do not move or are out of range of you motion, so motion turns off (zone inactive)
If the zone is still inactive at exactly 1minute after you closed the door, the the light switches off
Solution: remove the trigger of co tact alarm closed

Not sure if you what exact behaviour you want…
But I suggest to remove several cards:

  • remove the countdown card, not sure if you had a specific purpose to add it. But the “zone inactive cardyou already have does a much better job. The timer will always shut the ligts down when it is started. The zone activity will reset every time the zone becomes active again
  • remove the card The contact alarm turned off, what was you idea for adding it? The ligts will be shut off by the zone inactive card (after 4 min)
  • its after sunset, will the garage lux ever be higher than 25lux after sunset? If not the lux check will do it all, ne need for the sunset.

Are both sensors in the same zone(the garage)?
Because then the motionsensor will keep the zone active as long as the motionalarm is on.
The door sensor will keep the zone active as long the door is open.

@FKey Thank for that a few things to try.

Yeah maybe the lux is turning the light off after going into the garage, I’ll remove that and try it. The contact sensor turning the light off is if I was to open the door but not go out into the garage it will still turn the light off. Would having no motion still trigger that and turn it off?

The reason for adding the countdown timer was after watching the video below at @ 5.36. This is my first advanced flow so don’t you think that is needed? Was this just added so it dims before shutting off?


@Wim_Post No they’re in different zones. Back door sensor Is in the kitchen zone.

If both contact and motion are in the same zone and the contact is also set to trigger the zone activity, then Yes it will turn of. The light (because the zone was made active by the contact)

If they are not in the same zone, keep the flow but change the “zone is not active” to a “zone is inactive for 1minute” (you need to install the zone activity app for that card

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Thanks ill try that

This should work:

When door opens or when there is motion and it’s between sunset and sunrise; turn lights on.

When timer ends and door is closed: turn lights off

When door is closed and timer is not running and zone is inactive: turn off lights

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Thanks very much, ill give that a try.