Forum expansion: with category 'showcase' and topics for official apps

Category 'showcase; I would like a category where topics can be made to showcase the uses of Homey a Homey-user is proud of making. So other users can pick-up new ideas for their home-automation. Now you can find some posts with a kind of showcase-purpose but not grouped together.

Topics for official apps; personally would also like to have topics about for instance the official apps from Homey (like Spotify, Google Cromecast). I think because there is not one dedicated topic in category Apps now, the user of the forums have to check a lot of different posts through searching the whole forum if they want to check something about the app or discuss it. Probably these topics have to be maintained by the moderators ( :thinking:) as I do not expect Athom will.

Hi Hielke,

Thanks for sharing your improvement ideas.

I get the point for official apps to have their own topics, to centralise questions and discussions.
On the other hand, mostly new members don’t seem to bother to read any kind of forum info & guidelines, and start new topics despite the fact there are dedicated app topics :man_shrugging:
Or they’re just unaware of course.

My opinion is to not get the respected moderators involved in creating, updating or deleting those topics, but the companies themselves. And already there are several company created and managed app topics, which could / should be made sort of mandatory for app publishers.

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@Doekse what does Athom think about that?

Good point! I think having Forum threads for the official Apps is certainly a nice to have. It also helps us in gathering feedback :thinking:

I also understand what @Peter_Kawa is saying here, we don’t want our dearest moderators to do essentially our work. Will discuss internally to see if we can come up with something.

This is something I’ll take with me when talking with partners, very good point! :pray:



Thx, Abe, Hielke,

I think this app detail page should link to the forum topic, and the “visit app store” link should be moved to this page as well:

App store link current situation:
It “drowns” when an app has a lot of devices and flows:
