Flow when sensor has value more than a day


I have the Homey Pro with a couple of BlueTooth Xiaomi MiFlora Plant sensors.

I can create a flow for when a sensor is outside the predefined values (send a push notification). However, if a sensor is outside the predefined values for just half an hour that shouldn’t be a problem (maybe I just watered the plants and so the % humidity is very high the first few minutes)

That’s why I have the following question;

Is it possible to send a push notification ONLY when a sensor is outside the predefined value for MORE than a day?

If someone has a solution,… even if it’s a solution with a variable and two flows… please share.

Kind regards


When humidity value change
And humidity value is greater than yyy
And coundown timer xxx is not running
Then start coundown timer xxx for 24h

When humidity change
And humidity value is lower than zzz
And coundown timer xxx is running
Then stop coundown timer xxx

When coundown timer xxx reached zero
Then send notification to the gardener

You can find the coundown app in the app store


Thank you @peltsi51, that’s very helpfull!

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