FLOW If temperatur outside > temperature inside, then

Does this actually trigger, Steven?

Why do you use a trigger with a tag, when I tried to explain that often doesn’t work, instead you’d enter real number values:

Also, a “when temperature becomes greater than X” trigger, doesn’t need to be followed by a condition “and temperature is greater than X”
or there’s a logic behind it I don’t get yet.

I have several ones controlling this, one example to open my window when outside is cooler then inside with a margin of 0,5 degrees. One temp sensor is outside, temp living is a average of 2 sensors inside

Yes, this is exactly doing what I want.
The bad point is that all values are named temperatuur, so you do not see the different sensors in this case. But I use the temperatuur (outside) en de temperatuur (inside)

With the temperatuur is bigger than a value, I prevent to get messages if this is not necesarry because the inside temperatuur is high or low enough and additional ventilation is not needed or no problem.

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Thanks, this looks also as a good solution for the same issue. I think my solution is suitable and a bit less complicated. When it will not work as aspected, I will try to make it more as you have done!

Add some comments to your flow. Helpful for all readers and will help you as well when you read your flow over some months :wink:

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That is a very smart advice, I will take care of that!

For your own use, just hoover with the mouse pointer over the tag, then the name of device/sensor will be shown:

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