Flow Contitions: Could not find that FlowCardCondition

hello, I have a problem with the flow conditions

I declare them in my driver.flow.compose.json
like this:

"conditions": [
            "id": "Heating.HeatingButton",
            "title": {
                "en": "Heating Button !{{is|isn't}} active",
                "fr": "Heating Button !{{est|n'est pas}} activé"
            "id": "Heating.DemandOnOff",
            "title": {
                "en": "Demand OnOff !{{is|isn't}} active",
                "fr": "Demand OnOff !{{est|n'est pas}} activé"
            "id": "Heating.HeatingRelay",
            "title": {
                "en": "Heating Relay !{{is|isn't}} active",
                "fr": "Heating Relay !{{est|n'est pas}} activé"

after I initialize them in my driver like this:

this.conditionsList = [
        this. conditionsFlow = {};
        this.conditionsList.forEach(c => {
            this.log("Create Condition card " + c);
            this.conditionsFlow[c] = this.homey.flow
                .registerRunListener(async (args, state) => {
                    this.log({ args, state });

they appear well in the flow editor, I have them in my device
but when executing, it tells me: “Could not find that FlowCardCondition”

Am I doing something wrong?

In fact it works, you had to update the flow in the dashboard