It would be great if we had the option to add tariffs & schedule for electricity costs. We already have the consumption chart and adding: 1- beside the consumption the actual cost and 2- some totals per hour/day/week/month/custom period would have a huge plus /my opinion/.
I imagine it to be able to add tariffs like in my case amount and custom name /two fields it’s enough, but can be added additionally the currency/. Then can schedules be added by picking day of the week and time interval.
Example: tariff day is 0.03 EUR / kWh, tariff night is 0.015 EUR / kWh. The schedule can be every day of the week tariff day is between 08:00 - 22:00, the rest is tariff night.
@RobbertV and I released an app yesterday which can track your costs based on usage and tariff. It can be done per individual device, but also for a energy meter for a long period.
I was thinking for more general approach like defining the tariffs for different metrics /kWh and m3 for example/ and everywhere where these metrics are drawn on a chart to have also the calculated amount/cost.
Beside that, the user to have an option to create custom charts/reports for comparing and representing the data. Now we can only group by device I guess, but it would be nice to be able to group the data by Zone and also to have some grand total. Even better to compare to previous periods.
I think this is quite easy to do as it’s mostly simple math and aggregation of the data, but an App is not ideal solution.
Technically tarrifs is already in the API of Homey itself, it just isn’t used, and can’t be used by us (endpoints are currently blocked for 3th party).
It might be just left over bits of a past idea they wanted to implement, but never gotten around to it.
But also don’t think it is high on their priority list, as there are user made options for it, for Homey Pro atleast, and I guess they aren’t receiving it a lot as request from users.
I was thinking that the ability to add the current cost per Kw was part of the function of homey. This function is in other platforms such as kasa with their power monitoring and was already using theirs but wanted to switch to a homey supported device as for some reason my kasa plugs were not able to be added to my homey bridge. But id definitely like to be able to do that as well as peak and off peak times and costs related.