This is what’s possible with the DC app, outside of DC, as THEN cards:
From the flowcards overview below:
“Set from…” cards:
You can set/command multiple devices with certain common properties, as mentioned on these cards -
“Retreive insights value…” cards:
gets the last known value from a devices’ capabilitity (known to Insights), when “minutes ago” is set to0
Or, get the value as it was at a certain time, like, an hour ago, 24h ago, a week ago, asf. -
Execute expression:
All javascript (supported by Homey) goes -
Find all flows containing … :
When you want to find out in which flows an object is used, like:
The results can be filtered.
Overview of THEN cards for use outside of DC app:
For any related questions, I recommend to use the DC app topic