[Discourse] Forum replies not working

I’m not sure if I’m doing anything wrong on my end but forum post replies to others are not working for me.

For example this post:

It’s a reply to another user’s post, but after submitting nothing indicates that this is the case. I made sure to press reply on the post itself and not the entire thread. During composing my reply I do see the avatar of the user I’m replying to, but once I have submitted the reply no reply indicator is present.

If noticed this before and the only way I seem to actually get it to work is to either quote a part of the original post or to @ someone.

Is there something I’m missing?

I believe this is normal behavior when you reply to the last post/the one directly above you, like I am doing now. You should get a notification.

Only if you are replying to an earlier post, you have to use the reply button under that post to indicate that you are replying to that specific post.

Ahh, that could be it. Still confusing since the compose window will show you the avatar of the user, while it won’t show after posting.

I did get a notification just now, but I also started this topic so that would notify me for any reply, even the once that aren’t direct replies.

Edit: Yep, that’s indeed the reason @SunBeech, I’ve tested it in another topic.

Did you get a notification of the post created by the user (GeL) that posted directly after your post in the topic you linked above?