Develco Products App - Control your home and make it safe (v2.1.0)

Can anyone report on the current status:

  • Does the HAN reader work reliably with Homey?
  • Does the 16A DIN relay work as a basic zigbee device with Homey

Thank you :relaxed:

Was able to include them in the end, the inclusion instructions in homey are slightly misleading.

Any news on progress on the smart siren Ted?

Now that the issues w disappearing devices have been solved (8months ago)

  • how about the smart relays?? Which there have been several requests about …
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It there any hope for support for Smart Relay 30A?
I’ve have quite a few of them, and I can include them and turn on/off; but I really hope for energy reading…
I’ve have got my fingers crossed for over two years and will keep holding them that way:)

It looks like the sensor on the Motion Sensor (MOSZB-140) turns off alarm after about 150 seconds of inactivity.
In the technical specifications the off-time for occupancy & alarm sensor is configurable (2s - 65,000s).
Where/how can I change the time out for inactivity?

Any news on allowing the smoke
Detectors to trigger together?

It’s my understanding that most of the Frient Zigbee products are the same products as those produced by Develco Products A/S. They even come with the same Model ID (i.e SMSZB-120 for smoke detector).

I would like to request the update of the Develco Products App to offer the same capabilities as the simular Frient unit or to enable the Frient App to accept units from the Manufacturer Develco Products A/S as well.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

This is being worked on.

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Hi. Using several Develco Products A/S SPLZB-131 with my Homey Pro 2023. It works, but I’m not getting any insight information ? v2.1.0 is installed


Is this a known issue ?

Diagnostic id: 28710dda-00cf-40b1-bb53-76c4d69c9654

Any chance the moszb-130 will be added? They seem quite identical as the standard motion sensor :+1:

I have the same problem on HP23.


All my Develco Smartplugs (Schuko) stopped updating/responding. Done my rounds of Homey/Develco restart, upgrading from test app (shown as 2.1.0 Experimental?) to latest, re-install of Develco. Have not done a ‘Reset network’. Bottom line. Can’t pair any of my Develco smartplugs. No progress in the pairing process; it’s stuck in the “press button for 15 sec” screen.

Diagnostic report 1353cb88-d0bc-4d42-a590-49ec7d59713f
Homey 8.1.3, Homey pro 2019’s homeyModelId “homey3d”

Any advice?

I noticed that some other zigbee devices of different brands had stopped working as well. So I reset the zigbee network. Then pairing Develco smart plugs worked. So this was not a problem with Develco.

Any possibility for the smart siren to work?

None of my smoke alarms (SMSZB-120) report battery status. I am using newest version of the app (2.1.0) and Homey:
Model: Homey Pro (Early 2023)
Version: 10.2.0

Any suggestions on how to fix this?


I have the MOSZB-146 motion sensors.
How can I add these to my Homey Pro early 2023?
I have the Develco app v2.1.0 but the motion sensor is added as a generich device and I can’t use it.

Thx for the help.

When can we expect this update as you indicated that this is being worked on in Jan 2023 and now we are in Feb 2025 :slight_smile:

Norwegian EMI Smart Meter no longer compatible with Homey Energy
The smart meter does no longer show the total usage in the Homey Energy page or in the “old” energy overview even though the smart meter still shows the energy usage if you enter the specific device. Anyone who knows how to fix this or if it is a bug due to Homey firmware updates not compatible with the latest Develco Products App?

Solved: Does my smart meter work with Homey Energy? - #77 by Doekse