Develco Products App - Control your home and make it safe (v2.1.0)

We have indeed released v2.0.6 of the Develco Products app to the test environment of the App Store.

Together with Athom we looked into the issue where only partial data was reported, which turned out to be a deeply covered bug within Homey’s Zigbee core (affecting not only the Develco Products app), that is resolved with RC62:

  • Fixes issue that ignored errors from Zigbee bind request

If you experienced these issues (partial or no data reported), it is recommended to remove and re-include the device after updating to Homey v5.0.0-RC62+ and Develco Products app v2.0.6.

In addition, the v2.0.6 update also adds support for the Air Quality Sensor.

@Sendjeberge We’re looking into the issue of loosing connections with certain Zigbee devices.
Please note that this is not only limited to Develco Products devices, also with other brands similar issues have been reported on this forum or on Slack.

Unfortunately, we have not been able to reproduce this issue on our setup(s) on Homey v5, unlike the issue with the partial or no data being reported.
Since this type of communication (controlling the Zigbee network) is handled within Homey’s core and not the Zigbee apps, we are depending here also on Athom’s support. But we’re working to get this one resolved as well.

Providing the Zigbee mesh overviews and Athom diagnostics reports is helping to get a better understanding to resolve this issues. Thanks.

Have updated to V5 today, and added devices again.
Hopefully it will help.

Was trying to check your mesh network, but I guess you’ve pasted the Z-wave network :wink:

Sorry, here is the correct one:

Now without ???

Already two devices gone:
Now only one left, after one hr.

All your devices appear to be linked through the Ikea Signal repeater…

Can you try adding one and keeping one in close proximity of Homey; so that it does not depend on the Ikea Signal repeater?

I am not in the same are as my Homey now, should i try to remove the Ikea Repeater from the network?

I don’t know the positioning of the devices to one another… I do observe that all devices depend on the Zigbee repeater.

It could be that the repeater is needed to bridge the distance between Homey and all other devices (simply due to distance); but that would mean that Homey is positioned at the far end of the house and all other devices are at the other side of the house.

It would help me in understanding this problem if you could try two options:

  1. Add the DP wall plug at close proximity of Homey and keep it there.
    • Does wall plug still connect in the mesh to the Signal repeater?
    • Does the wall plug still disappear from the network?
  2. Disconnect the signal repeater
    • Allow for the Zigbee mesh network to settle for some time
    • Add the DP wall plug to Homey and does it then still disappear from the network?

Have removed the Ikea Signal Repeaters.
See attached, let see how is going:

I still have problems with the EMI Norwegian HAN…

First i run Homey V.4.2.0 with Develco V. 1.0.0
The value was stuck on -8388608 Watt. No value on the kWh.

Homey did release V. 5.0.0 now, and downloaded Develco V.2.0.6
The value is now stuck on 281474976710,6… kWh and -8388608 Watt

Did also try with Homey V. 5.0.0 and Develco V. 1.0.0
The value still show the same.

Removed the Ikea Repeater.
removed app, installed again, it is not showing experimental.
Is it correct to use 2.0.6?
Now tey are not triggering when i push the button.
But will se how long they will stay in the network.
So far i have added only one device.
Let me know if you want me to add more.

v2.0.6 update also adds support for the Air Quality Sensor :slight_smile:

Added one more Develco plug, left the network after 5 hrs.

Added again, renamed it just to see the different.
Currently i have two same wallplug connected.
The strage thing is the Questionmark ? on the routing, can that be a issue?

Any plans for the Develco Smart Relay 16A DIN? I would love to have this one implemented in Homey.


Did the route appear after some time or still a ‘?’
I have a network with more than 15 Develco devices including smart-plugs and work fine without leaving the network. Also creating mesh between each other

Added 4 Develco wall sticks yesterday, left the network all exept one after 4 hrs.

Till leaving network.
This time just after 2 hrs.


Mvh / Best regards


I have smoke alarms. 4 out of 7 have left the network, and also the emi han have left the network.