Deleted Google Home Assistant can not connect again

Did any of you inform Support about these issues? It"s not going to fix itself :man_shrugging:

Yes I did and got a reaction with some tips (in Dutch). Did not had the time to try this yet….

Care to share the Support response

Why this remark? I did share right?

I’m not sure?
I’m on mobile but I do not see Support response in this thread posted by you, I think. :man_shrugging:t3:

Around 17:00 today I was at work and tried to link my Homey again with Google and it succeeded! :partying_face:

Note that I didn’t change anything on my end so I assume some support employee at Homey pushed a lucky button. :man_shrugging:t3:

First attempt to enable the Sync failed with a Timeout; second one succeeded!

Not all has been “fixed” though.
One main group (woonkamer) containing the most devices seems to have issues also two google home devices seem to be going on and off. :thinking:

2 hours later…
I noticed that after I had removed the non-working devices left; they reappeared (likely because I enabled the Sync).
To see if I can trigger some “updates”, I have moved around the content of the group “Woonkamer” to “Living Room” and now that group is working correct like it used to.

Main thing left seem to be two Google mini’s of which I can’t see the configuration even after waiting a minute.
WhatsApp GIF 2024-06-05 at 20.50.29

Checked now; I didn’t see any reaction from support to you reposted in the forum.

You do not see Google-devices in Google Home-app? If so; then only thing you can do is to reset them completely and connect as new devices within Google home

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Jup, that was my next plan of execution.
Thanks for confirming the approach! :wink: :+1: