Defining device settings runtime

Hi. I want to define the device settings at runtime, not having them predefined in the json file. Is that possible? Thanks.

Thank you. Unfortunately I don’t get it to work. What I want to do is programmatically add a few settings without having to add a driver.settings.compose.json file since I don’t know the number of, and name of, the settings at build time.

Could you provide a code example using the API you referred to? I have tried to provide an array of settings or a single setting but nothing seem to work in my case. It will not be included in the device’s settings at all for me.

Thank you!

You can only use settings that are defined in driver.compose.json.
The mobile app/web app dynamically created the settings view based on these settings.

I don’t know a way to add further settings programmatically without adding them to driver json.


Ok thanks!

btw… If you need complex device settings, you can use the “repair” view. There you can use html to create custom (special) settings.

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