Database with supported devices

Quite a lot of question are related to “Is this device supported”. As far as I now, every app contains id’s of the supported devices.
By adding all this id’s in one database, it must be possible a user can enter the device id and get a clear answer if the device is supported and by which application(s).
Could thus make Homey users happy?


Zigbee and Z-Wave apps contain lists of identifiers of the devices that they support, but devices that use other protocols don’t. Also, the identifiers aren’t very useful to know unless you happen to have the device already, and often people want to know if a device is supported before they buy it. Besides, it’s easy to check if a device is supported when you already have it and you know the app that should support it.

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Also for KlikAanKlikUit (RF433) there is some product identification during the pairing proces. And before you buy a product that id is available in the product specification. And I see quite a few questions about Homey supporting a product.
However, I am not planning to build such a database myself, so it was just an idea :disappointed_relieved:.

For KaKu I think a look at the app store page is usually enough, since it lists device model names/numbers.

But the questions I see most are people asking if a random device from a random brand that has no app is supported, or if a particular TuYa device is supported. The answer there is usually either “no app, no go” or “nobody will be able to say if your device is supported until you buy it and test it yourself” (especially with TuYa, because they often change internally even though they look exactly the same on the outside).

So what I’m trying to say is that such a database would be of limited use.